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20 January, 2020

Uncertainties Of An Infected World

It’s the year 2020. Exactly a decade ago, our race predicted a million projects and inventions for today; this was our future. We looked ahead with an undying spirit and gave our entire lives preparing to become scientists, engineers, doctors and entrepreneurs that were

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20 January, 2020

Guide to Code

As of today, devices govern our countries. People no longer write notes down on paper or go out to fetch daily groceries because we have an in-house solution to everything. Door-to-door services are now provided at rates lower than ever.

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20 January, 2020

Trust and It's Innumerable Complications

What does trust mean to you? How abstract is this value that has been ingrained in our minds from childhood? And why is it that such a pure and unexplainable emotion simultaneously has the ability to instill fear within us?

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20 January, 2020

The Glass-Ceiling Effect On Women

Often times, there are these invisible limits designed and constructed by society which restrict people from achieving their full potential at their workplace.

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20 January, 2020

White Tulips

“The air sighs miserably. A deadening silence fills the wake of the atmosphere. It manages to wrap tightly within it the presence of an alive and vivacious family, once in the pink of health and spirits but now no longer so.

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20 January, 2020

Being Mentally Healthy

The exponential growth of mental health awareness and recognition in recent years must be applauded as a huge milestone of definitive progress in society..

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